Thursday 5 May 2011


finally, my swimming test ended! I thought I only can swim 1 lap...
when the time came, I told myself kept going yenling, haha, I manage to reach 1.5 laps ^^
haha but I think only can get full mark if manage to reach 2 laps...

@ Midvalley, Taiwan 小吃...had been shopping here and pass this shop by for 214635626472 times dy but it was the very first time I tried this out, unexpectedly yummay~

on 29th May, I went CEO Fahrenheit Neway countdown golden 21st birthday party---Wei Haur

they are a sweet couple ^,^

they are brothers

tired d after the swimming test, sweet dream people! final exam is around the corner, I should manage my mood, switch it to study mode ON! gambateh to all my dear friends! gamma year last semester...
mama's day is coming soon...have no idea what to buy but luckily already settle =) happy mother's day! mama I love you always ^^